Phone location for iPhone XS

Color: Gold

Also consider your current location. Location information may sometimes be inaccurate while indoors, as well as in hilly and urban areas that have no clear line of sight from the GPS satellite. In that case, try moving to nearby open areas and see if your location maps and services are functioning properly. If none of that helps, refer to the subsequent methods to troubleshoot software problems that may be inflicting errors on your iPhone XS Max GPS functions. If your iPhone was able to feed correct location information until now, the problem is likely associated with random glitches on your Maps, Weather, or other GPS apps in use.

To fix the problem forcing the app to quit and restart can help.

So consider this as your first possible solution to try on. If you have GPS problems only when using a specific app, then try updating that app instead.

How to share your location on iPhone

Then, tap the Update button next to the app. Doing so will install the latest update for the app. To make sure this option is enabled on your phone, follow these steps:. Performing a soft reset clears out errant cache and temporary data from the memory. GPS and location services are network-related functions and therefore may not work whenever network errors occur on the phone.

The simplest old trick to clear out random network issues is the so-called Airplane Mode toggle. Performing the above methods is somehow similar to restarting wireless radios of the phone.

Turn GPS on your Apple iPhone Xs Max iOS 12.0 on or off

Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the reset process. After doing so, try using Maps or Weather and see if the problem is fixed. Network connectivity issues on the phone may also affect GPS location information. To deal with these problems, resetting the network settings on your iPhone may be necessary. And after a few days, the extra step will become part of your routine and you won't even notice.

Read: Stolen or lost Android phone? Here's how to get it back. After setting a passcode, double-check that Find My iPhone is turned on. It should be enabled by default, and you'd have to go out of your way to disable it, but it's always a good idea to double-check right now. On your iPhone, open the Settings app and tap on your name at the top of the screen. Next, select iCloud and then scroll down and find Find My iPhone.

The fastest way to find your lost or stolen iPhone - CNET

Tap it. If both switches are turned to the On position, you're all set. If not, turn on both options and leave the settings app. Apple's Family Sharing service not only saves you money by letting your entire family install a paid app on multiple devices, but it also integrates with Find My iPhone. With Family Sharing set up , you can view the location of all the devices linked to a family member's Apple ID.

Meaning, you can ask a family member to immediately begin looking for your lost iPhone once you realize it's missing.

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The best way to keep your phone secure, especially when you're traveling or in unfamiliar areas, is to keep a close eye on it and never relax. Be cautious. Overly cautious, even. Don't keep your phone out in the open where someone can grab it and run off. In the event you do lose your phone, don't panic! Take a deep breath and remember to use Find My iPhone. Once you realize you've lost your phone, the first thing you should do is visit icloud.

Apple iPhone Xs Max

If you're not near a computer, you have a couple of options to access Find My iPhone. Either borrow a friend or family member's iOS device and sign in to the Find My iPhone app, or if you have Family Sharing set up, a member of your family can view your lost device in the Find My iPhone app on their own iOS device. If accessing Find My iPhone via the website or on another device, it's important you sign in to the same iCloud account linked to the lost iPhone.

After signing in, select your phone from the list of devices to view its current location. If the device has been turned off, the last known location will be shown.

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When viewing the device's location, select Actions at the bottom of the screen followed by Lost Mode. You'll be asked to enter a phone number and a message that will be displayed on the lock screen asking whoever has your device to get it back to you. If a passcode was not set on a phone that's put into Lost Mode, you'll be asked to create one when enabling Lost Mode. When enabled, Lost Mode will lock the device, prevent notifications and messages from showing up in your lock screen, and continue tracking the phone's location.

The phone will still ring for incoming phone and FaceTime calls.

This should help you track down the phone if it's nearby. Or maybe you'll be lucky and the person who has the phone will answer it to help get it back to you.

phone location for iPhone XS Phone location for iPhone XS
phone location for iPhone XS Phone location for iPhone XS
phone location for iPhone XS Phone location for iPhone XS
phone location for iPhone XS Phone location for iPhone XS
phone location for iPhone XS Phone location for iPhone XS
phone location for iPhone XS Phone location for iPhone XS
phone location for iPhone XS Phone location for iPhone XS

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