Phone Messenger location LG V40

Account Options

Every Android phone comes equipped with the ability to enable Developer options, which lets you test some features and access parts of the phone that are usually locked away. Before you can enable Developer options on your Android phone or tablet, you'll first need to find your phone's build number. The Build number on your Android phone is in a different place on every phone, but it's easy enough to find.

That's right: seven times. After a few taps, you'll see a small pop-up alert telling you that "You are now X steps away from being a developer" with a number that counts down with every additional tap. After the seventh tap, a message will appear telling you that "You are now a developer!

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Some phones will include a general message about tinkering with your Android phone, but you can simply tap OK. While many of the options are strictly for developers, including things like USB debugging and bootloader unlocking, you'll also find things such as high-fi audio codecs, notch options, and CPU usage among the toggles. Experiment at your own risk. While Google used to require a factory reset to rid your phone of Developer options, it's easier to jettison now. Handling app links. App shortcuts. App widgets.

Architecture Components. Data Binding Library. Paging Library. How-To Guides. Advanced Concepts. Threading in WorkManager.

Navigation component. Intents and intent filters. User interface. Add motion to your layout with MotionLayout. MotionLayout XML reference. Improving layout performance. Custom view components. Look and feel. Add the app bar. Control the system UI visibility. Supporting swipe-to-refresh. Pop-up messages overview. Adding search functionality. Creating backward-compatible UIs. Media app architecture.

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Sharing simple data. Sharing files.

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Sharing files with NFC. Printing files. Content providers. Autofill framework. Contacts provider. Data backup. Back up key-value pairs.

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Handling keyboard input. Supporting game controllers. Input method editors. Performing network operations. Transmit network data using Volley. Perform network operations using Cronet. Transferring data without draining the battery. Reduce network battery drain. Transfer data using Sync Adapters. Wi-Fi infrastructure. Discover and connect.

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Runtime API reference. Web-based content. Android App Bundles. About Dynamic Delivery. Test your app bundle. Google Play. Google Play Billing. Google Play Core Library. Google Play Instant. Get started with instant apps. Get started with instant games. Integrate with Firebase. Application Licensing. Google Play Install Referrer. Play Install Referrer Library. Achieve proper frame pacing. OpenGL renderers. Vulkan renderers. Launch and iterate. Best practices. Dependency injection.

Building effective unit tests.

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